Events and Webhooks
Use the Events to log essential data and use Webhooks to customize your business logic within internal or external webhooks.
Click here to watch the launch video of this feature.
Every event
- Is something important that happened within your SaaS.
- Is called inside a Remix action.
- Has a DTO for TypeScript support.
- Can call 0, 1 or more Webhook Endpoints (internal or external).
Use cases:
- Custom business logic when something happens.
- Call a Webhooks by Zapier.
Events and Webhooks Admin UI:
Events table with filters, pagination and interactive event rows:
Event details with Webhook Attempts requests and responses:
Custom Events
Watch this video to learn how to create your own custom event and webhooks.
Application Events
SaasRock Core 🪨 has 5 built-in Application events + internal webhooks:
- account.created
- user.profile.updated
- subscription.subscribed
- subscription.cancelled
- role.assigned
SaasRock Enterprise 🚀 has +40 Application events:
- user.profile.updated
- user.profile.deleted
- user.password.updated
- user.preferences.updated
- member.invitation.created
- member.invitation.accepted
- member.updated
- member.deleted
- role.assigned
- role.unassigned
- group.created
- group.updated
- group.deleted
- subscription.subscribed
- subscription.upgraded
- subscription.downgraded
- subscription.cancelled
- account.created
- account.updated
- account.deleted
- linked_account.invitation.created
- linked_account.invitation.accepted
- linked_account.invitation.rejected
- linked_account.invitation.deleted
- api_key.created
- api_key.updated
- api_key.deleted
- email.received
- row.created
- row.updated
- row.deleted
- row.shared
- row.tags.created
- row.tags.deleted
- row.tasks.created
- row.tasks.updated
- row.tasks.deleted
- row.comments.created
- row.comments.deleted
- row.comments.reacted
- row.workflow.transition
SaasRock Enterprise 🚀 will have Admin events (🚧 under construction) for:
- Entities
- API Keys
- Roles and Permissions
- Blog Posts
- Contacts and Deals
- Inbound Emails
- Pricing plans