Support a Language


  • Translate your app in another language


💿 Add the new locale info at app/locale/supportedLocales.ts:

export default [
    lang: "en",
    flag: "us",
    lang: "es",
    flag: "mx",
+  {
+    lang: "fr",
+    flag: "fr",
+  },
Add Locale

Ironically, you need to translate the new language name on the currently supported languages.

💿 Open the english translation file public/locales/en/translations.json and add the new language i18n key:

  "shared": {
    "locales": {
      "en": "English",
      "es": "Spanish",
+      "fr": "French"

💿 Open the spanish translation file public/locales/es/translations.json and add the new language i18n key:

  "shared": {
    "locales": {
      "en": "Inglés",
      "es": "Español",
+      "fr": "Francés"

💿 At the landing page, click on the locale selector, there should be the new language displayed correctly.

Locale Selector

💿 Select the language, you should get an error:

Missing Locale

💿 Add the new fr locale to the app/locale/i18n.server.ts file:

export let i18n = new RemixI18Next(backend, {
  fallbackLng: "en", // here configure your default (fallback) language
-  supportedLanguages: ["es", "en"], // here configure your supported languages
+  supportedLanguages: ["es", "en", "fr"], // here configure your supported languages

💿 Duplicate the folder public/locales/en and rename it to fr.

💿 On the new public/locales/fr/translations.json file, replace Easily Build Your Own SaaS to Créez votre propre SaaS.

You should now have 3 front.hero.headline1 translations:

  • en/translations.json → front.hero.headline1: Easily Build Your Own SaaS
  • es/translations.json → front.hero.headline1: Construye tu propio SaaS
  • fr/translations.json → front.hero.headline1: Créez votre propre SaaS

💿 Finally, refresh the landing page and select the new language.

French Headline

I hope this quick guide was useful! Let me know if you have any question.


cookies.descriptionSmall shared.learnMore.